Thursday, 19 January 2012

2012 resolutions

Is it a bit late to define clear new year resolutions? 19th January - nah, I reckon I can do it, anyhow deciding how you choose to live surely is a daily decision! Here's mine: (I'll return to this next year to write up a summary of how they turned out!)

  • Compile all of 2010/2011 photo's to make a Rachel's first year book and get organised with photo's/camera in general to be prepared for Rachel's second year

  • Do the recycling thing - the council are giving us a smaller bin as of July so I need to get on top of the plastic/food/tin/paper waste and get a good system up and running.

  • Learn to lean more on God, trust His plans, know His peace, choose stillness more, more, more and more to combat my wanna-do-it-all-perfectly superwoman attitude. This arguably is a life long resolution! Leaning from this wise lady may help, ultimately Jesus will be the only one to conquer it!

Does anyone else struggle with the last one?

I listened to this song this morning as I was getting in a bit of a tizz about being late getting home in time for friends arriving as I had driven Andy to work, driven home and stopped to get teabags, but the shop tills weren't working so de-toured to another shop and then I was worrying about the state of the carpet (!) and house. So this song really helped me re-align myself from getting caught in the nitty gritty of where I was/am, what I need to do now, what is in MY way, I've run out of time, and to focus on the eternal truth and great news of Jesus. Notice how when it comes down to me/I, it never seems to go brilliantly and it all becomes a bit of a fluster, panic and melt-down and believe me they're never pretty!!

"Your light will shine when all else fades...
And You shall come again in glory
To judge the living and the dead
All eyes will look on Your glorious face
Shining like the sun
Who is like You, God? " Have a listen and be still.


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