Saturday, 21 January 2012

i love a good scent

It's Saturday afternoon, the cutie is having some beauty sleep, the hubster is sorting through paperwork (believe me, this job needs to be done - tidy piles eventually have to stop and actually be sorted out!) and I'm about to create the weekly menu plan and combine a shopping list for said menu plan. It's a blustery day out there but a joy to see the sun shining, rather than the previous days of grey. And this afternoon, we're going for afternoon tea at a friend's house, which we're all looking forward to!

I have my oil burner going as I type with the scent of pepermint oil - hmm, it's a mixture of melting after eight mints and a spa experience! It would be fair to say I'm motivated by smell. If I smell good or am surrounded by wonderful fragrance, I feel like I can begin properly. I love smells - these are my favourites:

Good laundry detergent - fresh laundry.. (I'm always on the search for a product that keeps it's fresh smell for as long as possible, the best I can find so far are Persil Small and Mighty and Ariel) 
the aroma of Christ (more on this in a minute)
Chance by Chanel
1 million, Paco Rabanne worn on Andy
Coco Mademoiselle by Chanel
Freshly baked bread

I have been known to ask random people what smell they are wearing or subtly start talking about laundry detergents if I can smell a good one to try and tease out of the person which they used! It's a desperate claim but I love to smell good!

God clearly likes things smelling good too - the word Aroma comes up 42 times in the Bible and each time its used in the Old Testament it is always followed by the aroma being pleasing to God. So, it's music to my ears to know that God loves smell but more importantly as we know Him and are tranformed by His loving grace, we become the aroma of Christ. Sometimes, when you meet a Christian, you can just smell Jesus on them, they permeate the fragrance of Him, I want to be like that! Here's what Paul has to say:

"Thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life. And who is equal to such a task? Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, like men sent from God."

So, go forth on this Saturday smelling sweet and when we leave a room may the fragrance of Christ be left lingering in that place!

Here's a picture of some beautiful roses my mother in law kindly gave me last weekend, I have loved watching them open out completely this week and they have filled the kitchen with their splendid colour, rather than any scent they may or may not have!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Han, it sounds like you had a good Saturday afternoon. This is a wonderful post - had no idea that aromas being pleasing to God were mentioned so frequently in the Bible - I love this! I am so thankful for my sense of smell - I would be deeply saddened if I could never enjoy a good scent again!
